Thursday 13 June 2019

The Art of Paper Folding

Who would have known that our very active and always on-the-go Grade 1 children will actually sit down patiently learning about one art form? Yes it is true, our Grade 1's showed their commitment to learn the art of paper folding, ORIGAMI. They were so eager to learn new models to fold and are excited to teach others on how to do them. It was a fun Paper Folding activity!

Making Mobile

Last Monday, Grades 1 and 2 had a workshop on how to make hanging mobiles. The workshop was led by one art expert from the Philippines, Mr. Lubin Nepomuceno who is the better-half of our very own, Ms. Faye Nepomuceno. The children created their own Alexander Calder inspired mobiles. Alexander Calder is a famous American sculptor who is well known for his innovative mobiles.

Friday 7 June 2019


Last Monday, the students expressed their creativity through photography. Given a subject to focus on, the students got a hold of the camera and took impressive shots of their subjects. We have Mrs. Camille Trujillo, Sophia's mom to thank for. She shared her expertise and quality time to introduce photography to the children. :)


Wood craft is one example of visual arts. The students had a challenging but fun time doing this. Some of them got upset when they were having some difficulties figuring out how to put pieces together. With strong commitment and diligence, they accomplished the task and completed the set. Good job, Grade 1's!

Saturday 1 June 2019

Wake Up, Shake Up

As part of expressing ourselves through Performing Arts, the students had a mini-dance workshop conducted by yours truly. The students showed impressive skills in dancing and came up with creative steps. Now, they are dancing it for Wake Up, Shake Up! Good job, Grade 1's!

Watercolour Painting

We were privileged to have Ms. Faye as our resource speaker for water colour painting last Thursday. The students learnt a lot of tips to follow when painting using watercolour. We will exhibit their artwork during SLC. :)

Friday 24 May 2019


Please take note of the following information for tomorrow's event. See you all! :)

International Kids Day
May 25th , 2019
KOBE Fashion MART, 1F, Atrium Plaza, Rokko Island
Student Arrival Time 10.30am
Performance Time 11.00am

Please come along and enjoy the International Kids Day, if your child is involved please bring them to the venue for 10.30 AM (NOT to school!). We will meet you there and get everyone set up and ready for the show.