Friday 30 November 2018

Exploring the concepts of CONNECTION and CHANGE

The Grade 1 students confidently explained to the visitors the big idea they explored this unit. They mentioned the CONNECTION of things we have at present to the ones in the past. They also shared the possible reasons why things had to CHANGE. Good work, Grade 1s!

How did people make cloth in the past?

This is a big question, and the students experienced making a small cloth out of wool. The process is called FELTING. Look at how committed they were! :)

Collecting and Presenting Data

The Grade 1 students asked their friends about their favourite colours. They did a tally chart and presented the results through a bar graph. :)

Thursday 29 November 2018

Introducing Ms. Ramani

Dear Parents,

As I would be on leave from beginning of January to end of March, Ms. Ramani will take care of the class. 

She is very happy to meet you and will be coming over for meet and greet on the 6th of December 2018, Thursday.

Please drop by the classroom on that day from 8.30 to 9.00 AM OR between 2:45 and 3:30 PM. See you all!

Grade 1

Monday 26 November 2018

Why did changes have to happen?

One of the students raised this question at the beginning of the unit - "Why did changes happen?"
and precisely he is correct with his wondering. Why can't things just stay the same all throughout our lives? Why changes should happen? What caused the changes?

In order to address that query, the students worked in pairs and wrote down their perspectives why certain gadgets/items need to be modified or changed. They shared their opinion to the class in the end.

Weaving in the Past

As this unit focuses on the difference between children's lives before to children's lives at present, the class read and discussed the story "Charlie Needs a Cloak".

In this text, it was shown how clothes were made in a step-by-step way in the past, and the students explained how they get clothes today. After discussing literature, Ms. Rose taught the kids basic weaving. The kids enjoyed this unusual experience and loved to do more during their play time.

Monday 19 November 2018

past and present

At the beginning of the unit, our class had to deconstruct the Central Idea: CHILDREN INTHE PAST LIVED DIFFERENTLY FROM HOW WE LIVE TODAY.

To start with, we tried to make a clear difference between the concepts of PAST and PRESENT. The students looked at pictures and sorted them out into 2 groups: THEN and NOW. They also explained why they came up with such. Good work, Grade 1s!

Games, anyone?!

Grade 1 students explored some popular games that people in the past played such as Jackstone, Mancala, snakes and ladders, marbles, and others. They were challenged and at the same time fascinated with the games and also had seen similarities with some games they are playing at present.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Grade 1 hosted the Assembly

Let us welcome our risk-takers, inquirers and communicators who successfully led the assembly yesterday!

Halloweeeeeennn...trick o'treat!!!

This is originally part of Western culture, that even us in the East adapt and celebrate. It is just simply fun to get free candies, chocolates and other goodies on this day. Not to mention to dress up creatively. :) The Grade 1's celebrated this event together at snack time. They ate snacks together, played a couple of games - Shoot the block and Stop Dance -, and shared goodies too. Halloween is simply F-U-N!