Tuesday 11 December 2018

Christmas Market Schedule on Friday

Dear Parents,

Christmas Market is on Friday. You are all invited to watch the performances and to buy goodies hand made by your children. The Market aims to raise funds for a certain charity. Please support this project.

Below is the schedule on that day.

8:30 - 10:00AM -  usual routines. 
10:00 - Recommended Snack Time

In the MPR:

10:20AM -                          Greeting by Alex (and Kate)
10:25 - 10:30 -                   Baton Twirling 
10:30 -10:40 -                    Early Years 
10:40 - 10:45 -                   Grade 1 
10:45 - 10:50 -                   Grade 5/6
10:50 - 10:55 -                   Whole School Song
10:55 - 11:00 -                    Introduction of cause and opening of the market. 

11:00 - 12:00 - Christmas Market 

12:10 -                               Gather back in MPR / Visit from Santa
12:30 ~                               Return to homerooms for final goodbyes. Children Grade 1 and under MUST be 
                                           picked up by a parent or guardian at the classroom. 

See you all on FRIDAY!!! :)

Mrs J

Monday 10 December 2018


Dear Parents,

We are on the last school week for the year 2018. This will be a tremendously busy week for everyone especially for the kids.

Please be reminded of the following:

1. School lunch order should be paid by Wednesday, 12 December 2018.

2. On Thursday, Mrs Akiko (Junsu Yu's Mom) will help us bake cookies for the Christmas Market.

3. A Holiday homework will be given for the kids. The homework will include 3 reading comprehension texts, 1 Writing and 1 Math. This will be given on Thursday, 13 December 2018.

4. I will be on leave from January 2019 to end of March, 2019. Ms Ramani will be in charge of the class. She has been with us for a couple of days and has familiarised herself with the kids, the routine and the lessons. Please feel free to talk to her and ask her anything under the sun.

See you on the Christmas Market!!!


Mrs J

Sunday 9 December 2018


This is what we want our students to understand prior to starting the new unit. To make them grasp the concept of LIMITED RESOURCES, the students were asked to choose 5 materials they will need to come up with a Christmassy artwork. It was fun to observe them as they were choosing the materials and also as they were making them. Let us see what will they bring in to the reflection part of the activity. :)

I See, I Think, I Wonder

As part of tuning into the new unit, the Grade 1 students were given a challenging task - they went around the school and looked at the garbage disposal system we have. They tok note of what they saw and observed in the I SEE column.  The follow up task will focus on wha they THINK and what they WONDER. :)