Friday 24 May 2019


Please take note of the following information for tomorrow's event. See you all! :)

International Kids Day
May 25th , 2019
KOBE Fashion MART, 1F, Atrium Plaza, Rokko Island
Student Arrival Time 10.30am
Performance Time 11.00am

Please come along and enjoy the International Kids Day, if your child is involved please bring them to the venue for 10.30 AM (NOT to school!). We will meet you there and get everyone set up and ready for the show.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Mini Teachers for a Day

Who would have thought that our young Grade 1's can be teachers too? Yes, they were the spelling teachers of Pre School for one block. They practised tricky words with them and gave them spelling test after. The next question is, who will become a professional teacher in the future? :)

Friday 17 May 2019

Feelings... How do we express them?

What do we feel in certain situations? How do we express our feelings correctly? These are some questions asked to kids when they assessed themselves about handling their emotions. It is a good way to reflect on their emotions.

Shopping Time!

Can we send our kids to supermarket to buy some stuffs for the house? Will they be able to do it independently? Are they familiar with the value of Japanese coins and notes? The answer is a big YES! They proved that when we had our assessment on money. Though some of them didn't stick to the list and bought either more or less than what is asked for, giving them more opportunities to practice will eventually lead them to mastering it. Great job, kids!

Friday 10 May 2019

Yearbook Cover Design Competition

The children took home the paper where they will make their entry. Submission date is on 24th May 2019. Try your best, kids! good luck!

Fiction vs Non Fiction

 The students worked in groups to find out and sort out the qualities into two - Fiction or Non Fiction

Giving Feedback

The Grade 1s looked at their classmates' work and provided constructive feedback. Everybody enjoyed writing about their classmates' works and were excited also to read what others have to say about their work.