Friday 8 February 2019

Fun week of Forces Experimentations!

It was lovely meeting our class parents this week during the Three-Way Conferences. I hope your child was able to share more about their learnings as some children were quite shy to speak at the meeting!

This week in our Unit lessons, we experimented with different size parachutes to find out how air resistance affects them, raced cars down slopes of different textures, looked at how astronauts live in space stations without gravity, tested the buoyancy of different materials and discussed how simple machines work.

Here's an album of students' experimenting - Further into Friction

In Math, we studied about how to measure accurately using centimeters and meters with things in our classroom and our body parts. We also looked at how to calculate elapsed time and adding two-digit numbers using regrouping.

Here are more photos of the students measuring around the class.

What is the difference between a homophone and homonym? I'm sure your child can tell you what is right, write and right 😉! We will also continue writing, using correct end punctuation, capital letters and using a thesaurus to make our stories more exciting to read.

Next Monday - Wednesday, we will have the grade 1/2 Flea Market. Thank you to those who brought in things for us to sell. The students will take turns helping at the table for 15 minutes during snack, lunch and after school. You are welcomed to come take a look after school in case you'd like to do some shopping 🛍🛍! Students can shop during these times as well.

Looking ahead, the week of March 11, 2019, the school will have Book Culture week. On Wednesday, March 13th, we will have an author, Rebecca Ottowa, visiting our school. The school is having her book, My Awesome Japan Adventure, on sale (¥1,000) before she arrives. Please check the school blog to place the order online. The students can then have Rebecca sign the book for them.

Have a super week ahead!
Ms. Ramani

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