Friday 22 February 2019


We've had another busy week with lots of fun learning.

In Language, we identified different personal pronouns, using them correctly and recalling what vowels are and when to use a / an/ the.

We investigated into different ways to measure length and weight and the units used. It was tricky for some to know when to use millmeters, centimeters, meters and kilometers. Perhaps practicing at home or while going for family drives can help more.

We continued looking further into simple machines and discovered what potential and kinetic (and thermal energy) are. Here is a great website where the students were able to adjust variables to increase and decrease potential/kinetic energy and create their own skate ramp. - Energy Skate Park

Photos of students busy with their inquiry - Kinetic and Potential Energy at the skatepark

As mentioned in last's week's blogs, if you are interested in joining our class on our field trip on March 7th, please let me know soon.

Also, as part of our unit investigation on forces and motion, we will be having a special guest who will be coming and to teach the students how to make sailboats next month. For this, we require each student to bring three, washed one-liter milk/juice cartons.

The students enjoyed having a special guest flutist perform for our class on Wednesday. She perfomed some classical French tunes as well as some child-friendly music!

Thank you for your support in your child's learning.

Have a beautiful weekend!
J. Ramani

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